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bird are small animals and moles, and hamsters

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Q: What are some small animals?
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What are small animals?

obviously, these are animals that are small in size... -wEndy

Do some insects eat small animals?

If you mean dead then some do but most insects are too small to eat small animals alive. If you include spiders though then there are some spiders large enough to eat small birds and mice.

How many small game animals can you hunt?

Depends on the state and their rules. But most states allow you to hunt most small game animals. Some require licenses and some don't for certain animals.

Is the cheetah a predator to some animals?

The cheetah hunts many animals small and large.

What animals join James in his giant peach?

He liked very much small animals in this story, because it was very interesting animals. Some small animals that he liked from this story was the rats, mouses....etc.

Animals that feed on Hawks?

larger animals but some small animals i know that ants eat dead hawks in deserts

What pets can you keep in your bedroom?

you can keep some animals such as hamsters, gerbils, mice, fish and maybe some other small animals

Why do some desert animals have a small body?

lf animals have a small bod it helps them survive because they don't need as much food or water.

Some microalgae catch small animals by?

net and stuff like that

How did the ice age lead to the extinction of certain animals?

The cold and lack of light killed plants, which killed off certain small animals, which killed off some of the animal that ate small animals.

What is a home of a small animal?

Many small animals live in burrows, or dens. Some small birds will make nests on the ground.

Will an owl eat a small dog?

Yes, some owl species are known to prey on small animals, including small dogs.