car, camera, curious george, coffee, cat, crayons
Toy Kangaroo, Key, miniature kite (homemade), toy kitten, king
Animal, alarm clock, airplane, animal crackers, aquarium, apple, acorn, art, apron, automobile, accordion, abacus, almonds and autumn leaves are show & tell ideas.
glasses, glove, guitar, gum, gauze, golf ball, grater, goose, goat . . . to name a few.
J-Jaguar J-Jacks J-Jack in the box a photo of any relative with a name starting with J
Quail, quarter, quartz and a quill are show and tell ideas. They begin with the letter q.
Potential Show and Tell objects are a locket, toy lion and colorful autumn leaves.
car, camera, curious george, coffee, cat, crayons
iron (toy) ice insect island (maybe a picture) igloo i.d
Toy Kangaroo, Key, miniature kite (homemade), toy kitten, king
Sandals, scarecrow, scarf, scrapbook, seashells, seeds, shirt, shoes, snowshoes, soccer ball, socks, softball, sombrero, stamp collection, storybook and sucker are show and tell items. They begin with the letter s.
Animal, alarm clock, airplane, animal crackers, aquarium, apple, acorn, art, apron, automobile, accordion, abacus, almonds and autumn leaves are show & tell ideas.
glasses, glove, guitar, gum, gauze, golf ball, grater, goose, goat . . . to name a few.
J-Jaguar J-Jacks J-Jack in the box a photo of any relative with a name starting with J
Watch, waffle, wagon, walnut, wheel, wheelbarrow, whistle, wildflowers, windmill, worm and wrench are show and tell ideas. They begin with the letter w.
cat, candy,chinchilla,and plush creepers