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Reasons For Being Late Beginning With S
  • Sick
  • Snowstorm
  • Scheduling conflict
  • Starter wouldn't start
  • Sat upon your lunch
  • Slid down a field of tar
  • Silly String attacked you from behind
  • Stubbed your toe
  • Slept in
  • Sorry
  • Sunday blues
  • Scared....
  • Suffering...
  • Stomachache
  • Shaving cream was lost
  • Saw something coming towards you fast. Woke up in the hospital. It was a car.
  • Snow
  • Slipped on wet floor
  • Sent to prison
  • Saw mirage
  • Sank in quicksand
  • Saxophone lesson
  • Soloist in opera
  • Stuck in traffic
  • Someone parked in my spot
  • Shoe broke
  • Sheep on the road
  • sunburn
  • Sister needed me to buy her some things
  • Sister-in-law needed dropping off.
  • Stuck in traffic
  • Signal light broken
  • Suicide jumper on freeway
  • Slow old lady crossing the street
  • Serious car trouble
  • Sorry
  • Slept in
  • Speed limit
  • Slow
  • Stopped by police
  • Sleeping
  • Snoozing
  • Sex, was having

-saw a rare breed of bird, stopped to take a picture of it

Someone slammed a skunk in the street right in front of my house. I am not making this up! Sickening!!

-It was Snowing out.

-I got Shot.

-I Sat down and got glued to the chair.

-I had to take a Shower because I Smelled bad.

-Several people tried to keep me from getting to my car.

-Some dude tripped me, I fell, hit my head on a cinder block, and had to get Stitches.

-Sam, my brother, turned my alarm clock off.

-The bathroom Stall door got Stuck and I was trapped in there.

-Sally and I had a fight

-Some hitchhiker was on the side of the road so I gave him a ride

-Samantha, my cat, went to the bathroom on the floor

Stopped by Police on way to work

School bus broke down

Slept in

Snow blocked the road

  • STUCK in traffic.
  • Simply Slow.
  • Stayed.

Sick. Snow on the roads so I had to drive slowly. Son took all the shoelaces from all my shoes to use on conkers. Sandy, my cat, pooed in my shoes.

son of sam escaped from prison and might be near my area.

slack slow

Sickness. Sreet blocked by road works. Subway stike.

Studying? Sleeping? Sick?

Playing Scattergories :P

Slept in

spilled a huge mug of coffee while driving to destination and had to return to change clothing

sucked up the vacum cleaner

Sewer; stumbled in; sank to bottom. Smell it?




  • stuck in traffic
  • slept late
  • someone stole my car
  • snowing out
  • sleeping in


slept late

stuck in traffic

Slept in, sick, sock puppets told me the wrong time, sweater-vest was too tight, silverware needed polishing, sold your car for a footlong WITH mustard and relish, stuck in traffic, sale on Prune Juice... the list goes on

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