You could start out with the first called "Supporter" then go into like "Royal". This is just my opinion. I hoped this helped you
A moderator on Minecraft XBOX 360 Edition is a player on a server which has some administrative commands, such as permissions to kick or ban a player form a server. They might also have cheat commands such as /give or /gamemode.
Minecraft videos are for entertainment, how to play minecraft and etc.
I can think of only one: Infiniminer, Minecraft's inspiration!
Look up Minecraft Seed spotlights on YouTube.
The 3 existing modes on minecraft are adventure, survival and creative.
A moderator on Minecraft XBOX 360 Edition is a player on a server which has some administrative commands, such as permissions to kick or ban a player form a server. They might also have cheat commands such as /give or /gamemode.
middleschool,horror,supernatrual,camp,city,hospital,airplane,household,minecraft survival and rivaled groups
No, it generally is used like a chief or some one high in rank. Also an agent.
Some servers have a rank system that allows you to go up the ranks. You can find out how to get promoted by seeing a server moderator or look on the servers website.
There could be many reasons that Minecraft is not responding. You need to improve your question with more information before any of us can help you. Some ideas: Your computer is low on memory (try restarting) Minecraft has crashed (try re-opening Minecraft) You have incorrectly installed a mod
Some good mods are: More creeps and weirdos mod millionaire mod better than wolves mod aether mod
An admin account allows for the user to have all the permissions to the computer and is known as the top level user. A user account has some permissions but not full access permissions to the OS that an admin would have. Based on greater permissions: 1. Admin 2. User 3. Guest
Minecraft videos are for entertainment, how to play minecraft and etc.
No. Most servers rank people based on their skills, professionalism and knowledge of the server itself. Some servers may ask people to voluntarily donate towards the costs of hosting, these people are usually given a unique rank such as "VIP" or "Donator".
The military base built in mine craft is for keeping the military equipment and where the military camp.
promotion - a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution; "the packaging of new ideas". Or, act of raising in rank or position.
Planet Minecraft and Minecraft Wiki are two sites i can think of.