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Club Penguin, Webkinz, Runescape, Habbo Hotel, pixie hollow.

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Q: What are some other games like Dizzywood?
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Is there games like dizzywood or clubpenguin?

There are a lot of games like Dizzywood and Club Penguin. Some of them areHabbo HotelRunescapeMaple StoryFantagePandandaourWorldWhyvilleThere are also a lot of mini-games that you can play within Dizzywood and Club Penguin. The ones on Club Penguin are:sled racingpizzatron 3000ice fishingbean countershydro hoppercart surferpuffle round upAnd the ones on Dizzywood areFlightCombo DropBounceBlocks

Are there other websites with games like Dizzywood?

There are a lot of web sites with games like Dizzywood. Some of the more popular ones are Club Penguin, Runescape, Maple Story and Webkinz. Some other ones are Fantage, Poptropica and Build a bear ville. There are, baskeball game needs downloading),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That's all i can think of right now. Hope I helped :)

What are games like fantage with no download?

Here are some: Dizzywood Woogiworld Mycoke Secondlife neopets marapets zeapets poptropica habbo gaia runscape marians world whyville stardoll girlsense webkinz You might try google-ing some. I hope i helped!

Are there fun games like Club Penguin?

i know some there is *runescap(the best one to use as lots of people go on it) *millsberry *coolcamels(camel must be a adult to use the 3D chat) *Dizzywood You create a character and you get your own house which you can upgrade and buy furniture for you can get clothes for your character and chat with other players and go on mini quests *gaia *fantage *dragonfable *battleon *this isn't like club penguin but it has lots of fun games it has runescape and clubpenguin on it Hope u have wat u want

What are other games like tribalwars other than travian and kingsage?

Impreia online is a game that's like tribal wars and etc., but it's too complicated. That's why I quited. ANd here are some games that i think you would like... runescape battleon darkorbit Try them....

Related questions

Is there games like dizzywood or clubpenguin?

There are a lot of games like Dizzywood and Club Penguin. Some of them areHabbo HotelRunescapeMaple StoryFantagePandandaourWorldWhyvilleThere are also a lot of mini-games that you can play within Dizzywood and Club Penguin. The ones on Club Penguin are:sled racingpizzatron 3000ice fishingbean countershydro hoppercart surferpuffle round upAnd the ones on Dizzywood areFlightCombo DropBounceBlocks

How do you get into the keep out places in dizzywood?

You need to be on the boss level for some of the games like Combo Drop. When you are on a boss level then you can use one of the keep out signs to face the boss.

Are there other websites with games like Dizzywood?

There are a lot of web sites with games like Dizzywood. Some of the more popular ones are Club Penguin, Runescape, Maple Story and Webkinz. Some other ones are Fantage, Poptropica and Build a bear ville. There are, baskeball game needs downloading),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That's all i can think of right now. Hope I helped :)

What are all the plant seeds that you can get in Dizzywood?

Just help someone else grow their plant and some will fall of for you. You can also win seeds playing the games in Garden Gazebo or with the leaf sprite in Wildwood Glen. There is a full list of seeds on the Dizzywood Wiki and I think in the Dizzywood Guide.

Is there any websites like dizzywood?

yes some a club peguin and wizard101 and more.

Where is the RUN move scroll in dizzywood?

It is randomly given as a prize for playing some of the mini-games in Tanglevine Jungle. Keep playing the games and winning and eventually you will get it.

Fun and cool games like club penguin?

Here are some, but you have to be a member for most of them: Dizzywood Supersecret ourworld pixie hollow wee world Handiland Sifaka StarDoll Fantage Poptropica

Where are some charms in dizzywood?

the beach

Is there a game like Moshi Monsters?

Some games like moshimonsters: habbo ubiworld clubpenguin dizzywood marapets barbiegirl millsberry pandanda winxclub ecobuddies funbrain spineworld Neopets Chimpoo Creature Breeder Bin Weevils Ourworld

How do you ask to dye other peoples hair on dizzywood?

hummmm.... you have powers that let you color some one's hair

Is dizzywood closing forever?

I don't think forever... this is what the Dizzywood creators posted on Facebook: "Thank you everyone for all the kind words about Dizzywood. We really wish we could have kept it going as is for a long time. But don't despair! You may not have heard the last of Dizzywood. More details to come. In the meantime, what are your favorite Dizzywood memories? I know we have some old-time Dizzies here, so let's hear your favorite moments from Dizzywood history"Read it carefully... It says that we could not have seen the last of Dizzywood (If you don't belive that they posted it check out the Dizzywood Facebook page... You'll see!So looks like it's opening again, YAY!

What are some other great websites like 'ourworld'?

Habbo Spineworld SuperSecret Buildabearville Girlsense Club Penguin Dizzywood Webkinz Gaia SuperPoke Pets Fantage Babydow HOPE THIS HELPED!! :D