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the luck quiz and some quizes about wooz busters

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Q: What are some of the quizes in woozworld?
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Where is all mya's passport pieces on woozworld?

you have to do all the quizes first

Are there WoozWorld cheats?

There are NO WoozWorld cheats since some time in October.

Can you take quizes on WikiAnswers?

acually i had to think about and the answer in no u can not take quizes on wikianswers

How do you get wooz without buying it on woozworld?

answer some questions at woozworld

where do you write quizes?

on gizmo

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What language did abracadabra originate from on woozworld?

The word "abracadabra" is believed to have originated from Aramaic and Hebrew. On Woozworld, the language used is primarily English with some elements of Woozworld's own fictional language.

How do you enter a woozworld cheat?

You can't cheat woozworld. Although there is a cool type command. Type /moonwalk and click some where to moonwalk!

Are there any Jonas Brothers quizes?
