Likeable, lively, loveable, lovely, loving and loyal are positive words to describe a person. They begin with the letter L.
Kindhearted and kooky describe a personality. They start with the letter k.
Words that are used to describe nouns are known as adjectives. Some adjectives that start with the letter W are: wavy, weathered, wet, white, wobbly, wonderful.
Words that could describe yourself beginning with the letter m:maddeningmagnificentmaliciousmarvelousmaterialisticmaturemeanmeekmercifulmercilessmessymeticulousmisguidedmodestmoodymopeymoronicmousymusicalmysterious
Some nouns for people that start with A are:achieveracrobatactoradored oneagitatoraggressoragronomistallergistallyamateuranarchistangelantagonistarbitratoraristocratartistasthmaticaspirantastronautastronomerattackerauctioneerauditorauntauthor
A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.Some nouns that start with the letter "i" are:ibexibisiceice creamice cubeIcelandicicleiconidealidiotignoranceillnessillusionimageimaginationinchinfantinitialsinitiationinletinnocenceinsuranceintuitioninventioninvestigatorIodineIranIrelandislandIsraelisthmusironItalyitchitemivoryivy
Nouns are not describing words, adjectives are the words that describe nouns.Some adjectives that describe a person (noun) that start with the letter J are:Japanesejadedjazzyjealousjejunejitteryjollyjovialjoyfuljubilantjudgementaljumpyjuniorjustjuvenile
A common noun is a general word for any person, place, or thing.Examples of common nouns that start with the letter "u" are:ukuleleudderulcerumbrellauncleunderstandingunitunityurgeuseuserutopia
Nouns are not describing words, adjectives are the words that describe noun; people is a noun. Some adjectives starting with O that describe people are:objectiveobliviousobsessedobtuseobviousoldopenopportunisticoriginalorneryostentatiousowlishSome nouns for people that start with O are:oboistoceanographerofficerOlympianopera singeropportunistophthalmologistorganistornithologistorthopedistoutsideroyster farmer
There are no adjectives beginning with the letter z that describe a shy person.
Kindhearted and kooky describe a personality. They start with the letter k.
Common nouns that start with the letter T include:tabtablettapetaxteateetelevisiontracertracktrackertriangletricktrickstertriketrinkettripletstubtubatuna
A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing. Examples of common nouns that start with the letter M are:manmaroonmarriagemelonmeatmomentmoneymonkeymonthmoodmoonmothermotionmotormotorcyclemountainmouthmoviemudmuddle
Some common nouns for a person that start with D are:dancerdaughterdebutantdeep sea diverdentistdependentdieticiandog walkerdrag racerdragoondriverduke and duchess
Some nouns starting with the letter A:aardvarkabilityactorAdamaerosolaffairagateairalarmAmericaanchorapple