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bat rabbit hamster bat rabbit hamster

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Q: What are some nocturnal animal names starting with U?
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Is the golden lion tamarin nocturnal?

no it isnt a nocturnal animal because monkeys might not be nocturnal maybe some

What are the nocturnal and diurnal animals name and pictures?

Some nocturnal animals include owls, bats, and raccoons. Some diurnal animals include eagles, squirrels, and butterflies. You can easily find pictures of these animals by searching for their names on the internet or in wildlife books.

What are the names of some nocturnal animals that begin with P?


What are some names of a nocturnal lizard?

almost every gecko some names are the tokay gecko the crested gecko and the golden gecko you can tell by looking at their eyes if their pupil is a sslit they are nocturnal

How do you use the word nocturnal?

the owl is a nocturnal animal, this means it sleeps during the day and is awake during the night

What is the same about the bat and the owl?

The bat and the owl are both mammals that can fly, obviously. They are also nocturnal. Nocturnal is when an animal hunts at night for their prey. In some cases, owls aren't nocturnal, depending on their species. But, all bats are nocturnal.

What are some animal names starting with Z in the French language?

I just can think of "Zèbre" for zebra , "zébu" for zebu, and "zorille" for "zorilla"

What anmals are nocturnal?

The largest nocturnal animal is a part of the lemur family called the aye-aye. This animal has a unique way of finding food by knocking on trees to determine if grubs are within them.

What are some animal names ending o?

Animal names that end with the letter o:armadillobuffalocuckoogeckokangaroo

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Some Hindu girl names starting with 'Re' are:RenukaReshmaRevathiRekha

What are some animal pests starting with v?

What is an animal pest starting with V? Answer = VERMIN

What are the names of some animals that come out at night?

Owls, Mice, Raccoons, and Possums are all nocturnal animals.