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Q: What are some mythical creatures that begin with the letter G?
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One is a hyppocamp. There is a link below.

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James Earl Ray is considered to be a monster. He was found guilty of shooting Martin Luther King.

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What are some mythical creatures that live in France?

Mythical creatures don't live in any physical place.

What are some mythical creatures in Egypt?

The Phoenix (mythical firebird) from Ancient Egypt.

Are there any Russian mythical creatures?

Yes, there are some Russian mythical creatures. Two examples would be: werewolves and vampires.

Are there any Mythical creatures that start with the letter s?

Yes, sea serpents, satyrs, and seraphims are some examples.

What are some deep sea creatures that begin with the letter B?

· Barracuda

What are some mythical creatures that eat humans?

Some mythical creatures that are said to eat humans include vampires, werewolves, and chupacabras. These creatures are often depicted as dangerous and predatory beings in folklore and legends.

What are some sea creatures that begin with the letter G?

Great White Shark

What are some sea creatures that begin with you?

Unicorn Fish is a fish. It begins with the letter U.

What are some sea creatures starting with the letteri?

Icefish and ide are fish. They begin with the letter i.