

Best Answer

· Rattle

· Recorder

· Reed

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Q: What are some musical instruments that starts with an R?
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Recorder is a musical instrument. It starts with r and ends with er.

What do you call a musical instruments being with r?

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Which musical instruments begin with the letter 'r'?

RecorderradiobassRattle [ratchet] as used by Strauss, Ravel, Walton etcReedrauschpfeiferuan (Chinese lute)rectangleryuteki (Japanese bamboo flute)rhaitarebecrudra veena (ancient Hindu string instrument)

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One can buy toy musical instruments for toddler at various retailers. One can buy toy musical instruments for toddlers at Walmart, Target, and Toys"R"Us.

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Instruments that start with the letter R?

Rattle, recorder and reed are musical instruments. They begin with the letter r.

Instrument that stars with r?

Rattle, recorder and reed are musical instruments. They begin with the letter r.

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What musical instrument starts with R?

· Rattle · Recorder · Reed

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Gerald R. Hayes has written: 'Musical instruments and their music 1500-1750'

What has the author Paula R Bos written?

Paula R Bos has written: 'Biographies of Florenese musical instruments and their collectors'

Musical instruments beginning with the letter r?

A rectangle (kinda like a chime) Wind instruments: # Recorder (Germany) # Ryuteki (Japan)