

Best Answer

A. * Accountant astronaut artist author athlete actor actress * Attorney * Archaeologist


* Banker botanist beautician * Broker * Bookkeeper C.

* Clerk Chaplin construction worker childcare worker * Chemist contractor * Critic clown cosmotologist D.

* Dietitian dancer * Director disc jockey * Doctor E.

* Electrician executive editor * Exhibitor entertainer * Engineer entomologist F.

* Farmer factory worker * Fiddler fisherman * Florist G.

* Garbage collector grocer * Ghost buster geologist

* guerrilla


* Historian harpist * Helicopter Pilot hockey player * Hacker I.

* Insurance agent investigator * Imaginative writer illusionist internist * Illustrator J.

* Judge Journeyman jockey jeweler * Janitor * jedi journalist K.

* Kitchen maid karate instuctor * Koopa Troopa * Killer L.

* Lawyer landscapper * Legal Secretary lineman * Librarian linguist M.

* Mechanic medical technologist mason * Machinist magician mayor meteorologist * Medical Assistant N.

* Navigator naturalist * Novelist * Nanny O.

* Officer opthemologist * Operator occupational therapist * Optometrist P.

* Pastor Psychologist politician physical therapist * Priest

* Photographer pipe fitter Q.

* Quantum Physicist * Queen * Quake watcher R.

* Receptionist real estate broker * Rent collector * Restaurateur S.

* Strategist speech pathologist * Statistician

* Stripper T.

* Tactician teacher taxonomist * Tailor * Tourguide U.

* Undertaker ultrasound technician * Umpire * Unemployed V.

* Vendor violinest volunteer * Vintner ventriloquist

* Vocalist W.

* Watchmaker warden * Witch waitress * Woodsman waiter X.

* X-ray technician * XASPERATED mother * X-men Y.

* Yeti * Yodeler

* Yachtsman


* Zoologist * Zookeeper * Zen-Master

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