But if you want games for consoles for example PS3 then little big planet 1 and 2, are definitely awesome games. Also little big planet 1 and 2 is multiplayer to.
Some good, appropriate games online for ten years old girls are generally fashion type games. These games can be found on the website, Girl Games 123.
A great fashion game is the Fashion Fantasy Game. It's a simulation of the real fashion business, which makes it more realistic than other games.
There are many websites that specialize solely in providing Dress UP categories of games to be played. Some of these include Roiworld, Stardoll, and iDressup
stardoll girlgogames moshi monster
yes there is lots of websites with runway model games... some websites are made spesificly for runway model games. just google runway model games and there is heaps of games to choose from... good luck!!!! =-)
Try girlzlikeme. It's an Online Magazine for girls. e4 is good. You can play games or answer quizzes about your favorite TV shows!
Some good ones are.... www.ggg.com Its where young girls can play games i found it when i was eight
Some games that are appropriate for girls online at the age of 10 years are dress up games and princess games. The Nickelodeon and Disney websites may offer some good games featuring "Dora the Explorer" and Cinderella.
A good website for girls (kids) is gamesforgirls.com
THERE IS A BUNCH! fantage.com girlsgogames.com clubpenguin.com planet cazmo.com millsberry.com moshimonsters.com sifaka.com webkinz.com rainbow dressup.com groovygirls.com if u dont like these websites you can google ... fun games for girls ages, whatever your age is. or just google.. fun games for girls. BUT,all these websites are good i hope they help!!
some good websites are [ourworld.com] and [girlsence.com] i like stardoll and weeworld too and arisadvice2u.weebly.com
There are many online games for girls, here are some suggestions:GirlsGoGamesClub PenguinOyunlar1Poptropica
there are some websites that have great girls games like games2girls.com/ and girlsgogames.com/
There are many websites that offers games not just for girls, but also boys. One can go to the Disney website or the Nickelodeon website. They both offer games base on the characters/shows they air.