try these website:
there are new sim date games on this one
hope this help ^_^
Jenna moonlight dating sim
"Sim" is short for "simulation." There are many sim games other than Maxis' The Sims franchise; dating sim games that have become very popular Japan, for example. At any rate, the games are meant to be a sort of simulation of real life, so "sim" has become a common shorthand for these sorts of games including "Sim City," "Sim Copter," etc.
my mom
My favorite games of all time are by Pacthesis. My favorite of their games are the "days sim date" series. Look up: Festival days sim date, idol days sim date, chrono days sim date, kingdom days sim date, and wonderland days sim date. I've been playing them for months and still love them!
Kingdom DaysIdol DaysWonderland DaysFestival DaysAnime Sim Date (0.0--2.0)Pacthesis is currently working on another sim dating game called Chrono Days. It will be out sometime in 2011.
Well, I play,, and and they are really good dog sim games with lots of breeds!
Jenna moonlight dating sim
Sim City 1,2,3 and 4 These are my favorite city games
My candy love and Star project
"Sim" is short for "simulation." There are many sim games other than Maxis' The Sims franchise; dating sim games that have become very popular Japan, for example. At any rate, the games are meant to be a sort of simulation of real life, so "sim" has become a common shorthand for these sorts of games including "Sim City," "Sim Copter," etc.
my mom
Mweor is a nice cat based sim. - Moggiemoo.
My favorite games of all time are by Pacthesis. My favorite of their games are the "days sim date" series. Look up: Festival days sim date, idol days sim date, chrono days sim date, kingdom days sim date, and wonderland days sim date. I've been playing them for months and still love them!
um... well i don't know if you know these sites already, but when i feel like playing games where i walk around and get a girl to become my girlfriend so we can go on dates and stuff, i go to search games called "love hina date sim rpg" and you'll be able to link to other dating games
There are games for the playstation and other game-consoles. There is a Naruto dating sim where you play as Sakura, but it is hentai. There are a lot of flash Naruto games on