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Here are some great tips for raising your chao...

1) Never abuse your chao they hate this and the can die faster if you do

2) Never wake your chao up, a sleepy chao may not be so willing to mate even if it is given a heart to eat

3) Love and pet your chao a lot when they began to follow you and come when you call that means there is 100% chance that the chao will reincarnate

4) Never take food away from your chao they will cry if you do

5) If your chao gets sick take him to the Chao Doc. Chao can become sick even if they are well cared for

6) Give your chao food remember a hungry chao is not a happy chao and he will let you know it too

7) Chao like treats give them their favorite foods, you can find out what their favorite foods are by taking them to the Chao Doc. Remember a Hero chao will never eat Dark chao fruit and a Dark chao will never eat Hero fruit However a Normal chao will eat both.

8) When reincarnating your chao make sure you give it all 21 animals and no chaos drives

9) Once you get your Chaos chao treat him well although it is true that Chaos chao can never ever die no matter how you treat them

10) And also know that Chaos chao can not mate and they can take on animal parts however many people don't know this a Chaos chao can take on the flame of the half fish I have tested this myself but you have to do it before it becomes a Chaos chao you do this by giving the half fish to your chao last out of the 21 animals if it takes on the flame it will still have it when it becomes a Chaos chao if not oh well you can not redo it. for more on this just ask me and I will be more then happy to help.

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Q: What are some good chao raising tips for sa2b?
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When do you give a chaos chao the animals in SA2B?

After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are: PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondorParrotBoarRabbitCheetahTigerGorillaBearSkunkRamRaccoonUnicornDragonPheonixBatSea MonsterSkeleton DogI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf

What are some good names for your chao?

Its really what you think is the cutest or best name for your chao. You can make it cute, or you can get it off of characters from the Sonic Team (which I know some people did).

How do you get a chaos 0 chao?

Get any Chao. Raise it until it has reincarnated 2 times. Get all the animals (depending on what game you are playing, SADX or SA2B), and give them to your Chao. Give Dark/Hero fruit if you want it a Angel Chaos, or a Dark Chaos. If not, do not feed it any fruit at all. After that, it should evolve. I might have left out some steps, but besides that, it should work. Extra Info: Do not listen to the "Chaos Drives will prevent it from evolution" myth. It has been proved that it does not work. In the process of the Chaos Chao, you must be very nice to it, and if you want it colored like Chaos, then get a Sky-Blue Chao (Or any colored if desired), and then evolve it into a Nuetral Chaos Chao.

How do you delete a chao in sonic adventures 2?

Oh that's easy! Just pick up the chao you don't want and walk over to the Game boy Advanced thing that you will find in each chao garden. Then step onto the red spot while still holding your chao, your chao will then be tossed inside it then you will see some options go to Good-bye. It will then ask you if you want to say good-bye to this chao say yes then it will ask you if you are sure say yes again then your chao will be gone forever thank you :)

How Do You Get A Full Egg Chao?

Give any chao it's OWN broken egg shell after giving the chao a few skelaton dogs and it will put it on. Now reincarnate the chao twice with the shell on the whole time and after the second reincarnation, it will be a full egg chao(I think). A lot of people say you can only do it with some sort of cheat but I'm pretty sure what I just said works. Good luck. I am actually trying it right now.

Related questions

What does the chao beanie do in SADX and SA2B?

The chao can wear it as a hat. In SA2B your chao will need to have been given a skeleton dog at some point to allow it to wear hats.

Is sonic adventure 2 battle different from sonic adventure 2?

SA2 is for the Dreamcast, while SA2B is for the GameCube. SA2 has Big cameos in the level, SA2B does not.(SA2B only has cut scene cameos but so does SA2.) SA2B has more 2 player stages than SA2. SA2 allows you to put your chao in the VMU, SA2B allows you to put your chao in the Tiny Chao Garden. SA2B has Chao Karate. some chao world structure is different.(dark garden is TOTALLY different.) There are more.

How do you make a neutral chaos chao?

After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are:PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondor (SA2B only)ParrotSwallow (SADX only)Boar (SA2B only)Rabbit Deer (SADX only)Kangaroo (SADX only)Cheetah (SA2B only)Tiger (SA2B only)GorillaElephant (SADX only)Lion (SADX only)Bear (SA2B only)SkunkMole (SADX only)Koala (SADX only)Ram (SA2B only)Raccoon (SA2B only)Unicorn (SA2B only)Dragon (SA2B only)Pheonix (SA2B only)Bat (SA2B only)Sea Monster (SA2B only)Skeleton Dog (SA2B only)Give it the animals of the game it's onMake sure you raise it to be neutralI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf

On sa2b are chao helpful to you in the game or are they just fun to raise?

Fun to raise and they help you get some of the emblems in the game.

How do you make a devil chaos chao?

After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are:PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondor (SA2B only)Parrot Swallow (SADX only)Boar (SA2B only)Rabbit Deer (SADX only)Kangaroo (SADX only)Cheetah (SA2B only)Tiger (SA2B only)GorillaElephant (SADX only)Lion (SADX only)Bear (SA2B only)SkunkMole (SADX only)Koala (SADX only)Ram (SA2B only)Raccoon (SA2B only)Unicorn (SA2B only)Dragon (SA2B only)Pheonix (SA2B only)Bat (SA2B only)Sea Monster (SA2B only)Skeleton Dog (SA2B only)Give it the animals of the game it's onRaise it this way with dark characters (Shadow, Rouge, Eggman) if you're on SA2BRaise it this way whilst only feeding it dark fruit if you're on SADXI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf

When do you give a chaos chao the animals in SA2B?

After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are: PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondorParrotBoarRabbitCheetahTigerGorillaBearSkunkRamRaccoonUnicornDragonPheonixBatSea MonsterSkeleton DogI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf

What are some good chao websites? I use them for all of my of chao related needs

What are some good names for your chao?

Its really what you think is the cutest or best name for your chao. You can make it cute, or you can get it off of characters from the Sonic Team (which I know some people did).

How do you get a chaos 0 chao?

Get any Chao. Raise it until it has reincarnated 2 times. Get all the animals (depending on what game you are playing, SADX or SA2B), and give them to your Chao. Give Dark/Hero fruit if you want it a Angel Chaos, or a Dark Chaos. If not, do not feed it any fruit at all. After that, it should evolve. I might have left out some steps, but besides that, it should work. Extra Info: Do not listen to the "Chaos Drives will prevent it from evolution" myth. It has been proved that it does not work. In the process of the Chaos Chao, you must be very nice to it, and if you want it colored like Chaos, then get a Sky-Blue Chao (Or any colored if desired), and then evolve it into a Nuetral Chaos Chao.

How do you delete a chao in sonic adventures 2?

Oh that's easy! Just pick up the chao you don't want and walk over to the Game boy Advanced thing that you will find in each chao garden. Then step onto the red spot while still holding your chao, your chao will then be tossed inside it then you will see some options go to Good-bye. It will then ask you if you want to say good-bye to this chao say yes then it will ask you if you are sure say yes again then your chao will be gone forever thank you :)

What are some good cheats for sonic adventure 2?

throw a chao egg against the wall to hatch it quickly. abuse your chao with a dark charachter to turn it light, and vice versa.

How do you get a dark supersonic chao with out cheats?

ok so this is a very easy process! so ill teach you how to do it in both SADX and SA2B. sonic in sonic adventure DX you need to give the chao bunnys so it looks like sonic but before it evolves go to the store and buy some devil chao fruits and give atleast 7 to the chao make sure the chao eats all of it!!! THATS IMPORTANT! BUT the chao MUST be a pure black chao meaning that you bought a black chao egg from the store! this is also important cuz if its not black it will not be dark supersonic! when he evolves give him a crap load of bunnys, his bottum quils will spike up but the top will stay down like it should! for sonic adventure 2 battle you need to get the black egg (obviously) and put the chao in the devil chao garden! give the chao all green chaos drives or all bunnys! when it evolves it should be a darksuper sonic then again keep giving it the chao drives (green) or the bunnys, his quils will spike up and he will be dark supersonic! hope it helped, it helped me alot! ~RIKKIANDSPARKEY