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in your home town there should be a snorlax

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Q: What are some good Pokemon music to play on your flute?
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Where do you get poke flute on Pokemon Silver?

There is no Poke Flute item in Pokemon Silver. Instead, the player can have their radio upgraded in Lavender Town. It will then play a station that can play the Poke Flute tune.

Where can you find the flute sheet music for the Pokemon theme song and others for free?

There is a number of sources that can provide you with whatever sheet music you need. The flute is the easiest instrument to play because it has so many keys like saxophone.

What types of music best suits the flute?

Flutes can play any type of music, from country to jazz. It all depends on how good you are and what YOU like to play. Also, if you aren't too keen on playing certain types of music on the flute, and would prefer to learn another instrument because of that don't worry. The fingering on the flute and saxophone are highly similar, so it's very easy to learn and play both. I play the flute in a duet group and the tenor sax in a jazz band. Plus, then you can brag that you can play two instruments. :)

How do you play star ships on a flute?

get the sheet music and play it

How do you play still doll on the flute?

There is no sheet music for still doll on the flute. You just have to listen to the music and play along as you go, like me! I can play it perfectly by using this method.

Do you have to be good at the flute to play the piccolo?

Nope! It's the same fingerings as the flute, if you know how to play flute, you can play piccolo.

How do you move the Snorlax on pokemon soulsilver?

Play the flute to it.

How do you play Strike Up the Band on the flute?

First, learn to play the flute. Second, get the sheet music for the song. Third, get someone to transcribe the music into your flutes key. And last, play the song.

What specific music does the flute play?

The flute is a woodwind instrument and usually plays the tune in orchestras or other musical groups. The flute plays in the treble clef in the key of C which is the same key as the piano. This means that a flute player can usually play the top line of a piano's music if necessary. (You don't have to transpose piano music into flute music either as it is in the same key!)

What range can a flute play?

a flute can play all sorts of ranges it depenps on the type of music it features in thank you for using

Did Leonardo da Vinci play the flute?

He liked music, was a good singer and liked to play a kind of lute. No music by him is known.

What kind of music does Julius Baker play on the flute?
