What's your favorite color?
How are you?
Did you have a good day?
What's wrong? (if she's upset)
What's your favorite food?
Where do you work?
Do you want to meet up sometime?
Is there any way I can help?
Do you need me to do/get anything for you?
Will you marry me?
Do you like _____? (fill in the blank)
What's your favorite thing about yourself? (eyes, hair, body, personality, etc.)
Will you go out with me?
Do you need me to give you some money?
What are you doing?
Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? (cheesy, I know)
More Questions to Ask
- Are you a virgin?
- How was your first time?
- Would you ever shoplift?
- What do you think your best feature is?
- Would you consider yourself hot or good looking?
- If you really hated your boyfriend, what is the most creative way you can think of dumping him
You ask her truth or dare stuff like for truth how much s*x and bf's she's had. Then you push her on the ground and make out with her then fuxk her hard
Yes, you can raise concerns or ask questions after a call.
Ask her out and flirt with her
You can request to have the password sent you via your email address. All you have to do is provide your email address and answer some questions if they ask.
well,the man who you must ask is PIVOTMASTERDX,he is the man who made the girl you will find on some YouTube pivot videos,here is the link where you can get one:http://www.mediafire.com/?lwjnyimmjyy
ask her if she really wanted to do it or if he made the dissision 4 her
some good questions would be to ask are what was the material made out of
boob size?
have you ever thought about losing some weight?
Ask questions you would usually ask to anyone else in the world.
Ask her questions about herself. Where is was raised, her family, her hobbies etc.
I don't think that there are any good answers to ask. I did here, though, that there are some good questions to ask = ).
how do plants get their color
ask him his interests and small talk things
Yes, its a good way to find out if she likes anyone, a good way to do it is to start asking some other questions first like "Whats your favourite animal?" or other simple questions like that. After a few of those then ask her if she likes anyone, then make sure to ask a couple more questions so she doesn't get suspicious.
say hi and ask her some questions to get to know her
Get to know her, ask her questions.