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Q: What are some funny things to shout in a classroom?
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What are some things you shout about?

You shout about winning the sporting event. You shout to call people or warn them about danger.

What are some classroom rules for 4 grad?

obey your prefect and teachersnever shout in the classkeep your class cleanstay quite in class

What are some things in the classroom that begin with the letter M?

Maps and magic markers are things in the classroom. Additional things in the classroom include microscope, musical instruments and manila folders.

What are some funny things?


Word are some things you shout that begin with the letter B?

Things people shout that begin with the letter b:be right back,bingo,boo,bravo,bye,boobingo

What are some of the things that funny animals do?

Some of the funny things that animals do can be found on youtube. For instance, cats playing the keyboard are really funny. There is also the short clip of a sitting frog.

What are some things found in a classroom that start with k?


What are some things found in a classroom that begins with the letter '' y ''?

A yardstick is found in the classroom. It begins with the letter y.

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What are some funny or sarcastic things to talk about?

Talk About Funny Things That Happened Before In Your Life"P.s I Do That All The Time And It Works":)

What are some funny things to do when you are board?

Play a prank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are some funny things that start with the letter w?

Widdershins is a funny word. It means counterclockwise.