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Acid, aged, arid, avid, awed, axed, bald, band, bard, bead, bind, bird, bled, bold, bond, bred, card, clod, coed, cold, crud, curd, dead, deed, feed, fend, find, fled, fold, food, Ford, fund, gawd, glad, goad, gold, grid, hard, heed, herd, hind, hold, ired, kind, laid, land, lard, lead, lewd, lied, load, lord, mead, mild, mind, mold, mood, need, nerd, owed, paid, peed, pled, plod, pond, prod, raid, read, reed, rind, road, said, sand, seed, send, sled, slid, sold, stud, sued, teed, toad, toed, told, trod, turd, wand, ward, weed, weld, wild, wind, word, yard...

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Q: What are some four-letter words ending in 'd'?
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