

Best Answer

· bagel

· oatmeal

· veal

· strudel

· cereal

· meatball

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Q: What are some foods that end in letter L?
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Some five (5) letter words that end with L:awfulbabelchilldwellequalfrillgavelhotelhovelimpeljewelkneellabel.lapel.legalLevellibel.local.loyal.modelnoveloffalpearlquellrebelstealtoweluntilvenalwheel

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Abnormal, approval and atypical are 8 letter words. They begin with the letter a and end with the letter l.

What are Christmas foods that start with the letter l?

Ice cream

What is a food that start with L?

Lasagna, lobster and leg of lamb are foods. They begin with the letter L.

What are some salty foods that start with the letter L?

A Lender's whole grain plain bagel contains 490 mg of sodium.

What are some foods that contain l-citrulline?

Foods that contain l-citrulline include watermelon, cucumber, and pumpkin seeds.

Animals that end with the letter L?
