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Q: What are some foods that begin with the letter U and V?
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What are some fridge foods that begin with the letter U?

Urgelia cheese is a fridge food. It begins with the letter U.

What are some foods that begin with you?

Some foods that begin with the letter U include Udo and Udon noodles. Ugali and ugli fruit also begin with the letter U. There are no foods that start with the word 'you.'

What are some adjictives that begin with the letter U?

adjectives that begin with the letter U areuglyunctuousunderratedundiplomaticunbelievableunstoppableurgentusefuluselessuncomfortableUltraUltraconservativeUltramarineUltramodernUmberUmbilicalUnitedUniversalUnjustUnkindUnknowingUnknownUnlawfulUnlikeUnlikelyUnluckyUnlimited

What are some ethnic foods that begin with the letter U?

Umeboshi is a Japanese food. It is pickled ume fruits that are eaten in Japan.

What are some foods that begin with the letters X or U?

Urgelia cheese and Xouba (a sardine) are foods.

What are some foods or candies that begin with the letter U?

· Unicorn Pops (fruit flavor hard candy suckers) · U-No Candy Bar (taste like chocolate truffle)

What are some things that fly that begin with the letter U?

Some things that fly that begin with the letter U are:United Airlines airplaneUlysses butterflyUmbrella bird

What are some clothes that begin with the letter U?

Here are some clothing items that begin with the letter U:uniformunderwearunderwire braundershirtunderpants

What are some social study words that begin with the letter U?

Unemployment and urbanization are social study words. They begin with the letter u.

Which superheroes begin with the letter U?

Some superheroes that begin with the letter U are Union Jack, Ultra Boy, and U.S.Agent.

What are some flowers that begin with U?

Umbrella plant, urginea and ursinia are flowers. They begin with the letter U.

What are some abstracts that begin with the letter U?
