Eric John is the name of a flower. Eucalyptus Silver Dollar is the name of a flower.
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter S:SafflowerSagittariaSaintpauliaSalixSalviaSanguinariaSansevieriaSantolinaSaponariaSarraceniaSaxifragaScabiosaScillaSea lavenderSedumShasta daisyShell flowersSnapdragonSnowballSoldasterSolidagoSolidasterSpider lilySpider mumsStachysStanhopeaStaticeStephanotisStreptocarpusSunflowerSweet peaSword fern
Magnolia, marigold, morning glory and mums are flowers. They begin with the letter M.
Some common animals that begin with E are:ElephantElkEweEagleEgretearth wormElectric EelEmu
wallflower Windflower water lily winter jasmine wintersweet. Wachendorfia, Wahlenbergia, Waldsteinia, Wallflower, Water hyacinth, Windflower and Wisteria are flowers that begin with the letter w.
Easter lily and edelweiss are flowers. They begin with the letter e.
Umbrella plant, urginea and ursinia are flowers. They begin with the letter U.
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter G:GaillardiaGardeniaGazaniaGentianGeraldton WaxGeraniumGerberaGerbera DaisyGermander SpeedwellGermaniumGilly FlowerGladiolaGladiolusGlobeflowerGloxiniaGodetiaGoldenrodGrevilleaGumamelaGuzmaniaGypsophilaGypsophilla
Purple flowers that begin with the letters Th are:ThistlePurple Thornapple
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter Q:Quaker lady irisQueen Anne's LaceQuamashQueen Fabiola lily
Easter lily, edelweiss, Eric John, eucalyptus silver dollar, euphorbia and evening primrose are flowers. They begin with the letter e.
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter S:SafflowerSagittariaSaintpauliaSalixSalviaSanguinariaSansevieriaSantolinaSaponariaSarraceniaSaxifragaScabiosaScillaSea lavenderSedumShasta daisyShell flowersSnapdragonSnowballSoldasterSolidagoSolidasterSpider lilySpider mumsStachysStanhopeaStaticeStephanotisStreptocarpusSunflowerSweet peaSword fern
Some flowers that begin with the letter E are:Easter lilyEcheveriaEchinaceaEchiumEidelweissElastic Momordica-very rare and hard to grow lilac-colored flowerElderElderflowerEnchanter's Nightshade-a flower that refuses to bloom in the sunlightEnglish BluebellEranthis Hyemalis (commonly known as the Winter Aconite)EremophilaEremurusEricaErigeronEriostemoneschscholzia californicaEuryopsEustomaEvening primroseEverlasting
Magnolia, marigold, morning glory and mums are flowers. They begin with the letter M.
The venusflower