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Fictional characters beginning with D: * Darth Vader (Star Wars villain) * Donald Duck * Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" * Dr. Doolittle * Dora the Explorer * Dolly (from the musical "Hello Dolly") * Dino (The Flinstone's pet dinosaur) * Dennis the Menace * Dudley Do-right * Dory (the absent minded fish in "Finding Nemo") * Daphne (one of the gang in Scooby Doo) * Dumbo (the elephant, Disney movie) * Dick Tracey (comic book detective) * Dagwood (Blondie's husband in Blondie comic strip) * Dill (Jem and Scout's friend in Harper Lee's classic, To Kill A Mockingbird)
Dexter from that serial killer show

Doofy from scary movie 1

Dean from supernatural


Darla from Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Deputy Dewey Dwight Riley on Scream

Danny Tanner from Full House

Daria from the MTV show Daria

Darth Vader

Dave Collier from Full House

David Spade's character in Tommy Boy

Dennis the Menace

Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton's character from American History X)

Det. Andy Sipowicz from NYPD Blue

Detective Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington's character from Training Day)

Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle

Dharma from Dharma and Greg

Diane from Cheers

Dominic from The Fast and the Furious

Donkey from Shrek

Donna from That 70's Show

Dorothy from The Golden Girls

Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz

Doug Funnie (from Nickelodeon's Doug)

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