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nitrogen, niobium, neodymium, neptunium, nickel, and neon

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Q: What are some elements that start with n?
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What elements in the 15 group that start with an n?


What are some science words that start with n?

nebula, neutron, Niobium, Nickel, Nitrogen, Neodymium, Neptunium, Nobelium. The last 6 are Elements.

What are words that start with N and end with N?

Some words that start with N and end with N are:nationneonneuronnewbornnoonnotationnotionnounnunnylon

What are some items that start with N?

Some items that start with the letter N are:nachosnailnamenametagnapkinnecknecklacenecktienectarineneedlenegativenegligeenestnewspapernewtnickelnightgownnight hawknightingalenightsticknoodlenoosenosenotenotebooknovelnucleusnutnutcrackernylons

What are the different subsets in a set?

They are collections of some, or all, of the elements of the set. A set with n elements will have 2^n subsets.

What are some friuts that start with the letter n?

Some fruits that start with the letter N are:nectarinesnaval orangesnaranjillo

What are some plural possessive nouns that start with n?

Some plural possessive nouns that start with letter N are:nations'necklaces'needles'neighbors'nerves'nights'noodles'noses'nuts'nylons'

What are some meaningful words that start with the letter N?

No and never are meaningful words. They start with the letter n.

What are some excuses that start with n?


What are some of the elements that start with Q?

No chemical elements begin with the letter Q.

What are some places that start with n?

what are some places that starts with n

Help on a work sheet when you have to unscramble the elements?

Look on the periodic table for elements that start with one of the letters in the anagram. E.g. for gnexyo check the elements that start with G, N, E, X, Y, or O -- this one is oxygen.