Liken- an animal unknown by most but feared by many do to exaggerated stories
· Indentured servant
Some four letter words that start with I are:ibexibisicedideainchintoisn'titch
Some four letter words that start with WR are:wrapwrenwrit
Cassock Its a cape that both Men and Women wore
Lanterns are colonial items that start with the letter L.
Some five letter words that start with K are:kabobkapokkaputkayakkazookhakiknavekneelknifeknockkrill
Oh, dude, colonial words that start with "g"? Like, sure, I can totally help with that. How about "grog" for a boozy drink, "garrison" for a military post, and "galley" for a kitchen on a ship? Like, those are some old-school words that start with "g" from back in the day.
10 Letter words that start with everyEveryplaceEverythingEverywhereEverywomanEverywomen9 Letter words that start with everyEverybodyEverydays8 Letter words that start with everyEverydayEverymanEverymenEveryoneEveryway
Virginia Colony
Meaningful words that start with the letter a:abilityaccidentachievementadvantageadviceaffairalarmalibialimonyamputationanniversaryapologyapprovalauthorityavalanche
Some four letter words that start with I are:ibexibisicedideainchintoisn'titch
Some four letter words that start with WR are:wrapwrenwrit