Ah, let's think about cold things that start with the letter "J." How about a juicy popsicle straight from the freezer on a hot summer day? Or perhaps some frosty ice cubes floating in a refreshing glass of lemonade. Just imagine the chill of a snow-covered jungle where the jaguars roam gracefully.
OsloOuter space
Small things that start with the letter s:saltsandsawdustscrewseedsleetslugsnailsparkspeckstone
Some things that are in nature that start with the letter t are: tree, thorn, treetop, tree trunk
cool whip
Ah, let's think about cold things that start with the letter "J." How about a juicy popsicle straight from the freezer on a hot summer day? Or perhaps some frosty ice cubes floating in a refreshing glass of lemonade. Just imagine the chill of a snow-covered jungle where the jaguars roam gracefully.
OsloOuter space
Anchovies are very salty. They start with the letter a.
Some nouns for things that start with the letter A are:acornanchorankleappleargumentazaleaSome nouns for places that start with the letter A are: AfricaAnnapolisArabian DesertArizonaArctic CircleAustralia
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory
Small things that start with the letter s:saltsandsawdustscrewseedsleetslugsnailsparkspeckstone
Some things that start with the letters AT are:atomattonementattractionatmosphereatticattitudeattackattorneyatollatriumatlas
ice icicle icecream
Some things that are in nature that start with the letter t are: tree, thorn, treetop, tree trunk