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Strongbow or Spire.

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Q: What are some ciders beginning with s?
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What fruit is cyder made from?

Most Ciders are made from Apples!

What type of English drink is Blackthorn and Diamond White?

They are ciders

What are some items in the shower beginning with S?

soap, shampoo

What are some complimentary words beginning with the letter s?


What are some names of organs beginning with s?

· spleen · sternum

Haitian last names beginning with s?

Some Haitian last names beginning with "S" include Saint-Louis, Sylvain, Simon, and Saint-Fleur.

What are some animals beginning with S that live outside?

snail snake slug

What are some positive adjectives beginning with the letter s?


What are some reasons for justifying something beginning with the letter S?

· satisfying · successful

What are some shapes beginning with the letter S?

Square and scalene triangle are shapes.

What are some adjectives that can describe people that begin with the letter S?

Words beginning with the letter s that describe people:sarcasticscatterbrainsselfishseriousshysillysinceresloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingysympathetic

What are some verbs that begin with the letter 'i'?

Some verbs beginning with I:IdentifyIllustrateImitateImpartImplementImportImproveImproviseIncorporateIncreaseIndexIndividualizeInfluenceInformInitiateInnovateInspectInspireInstallInstituteInstructInsureIntegrateInteractInterfaceInterpretInterveneInterviewIntroduceInventInventoryInvestigateInvolveIritateinquire illustrateinitiateimbibeimpartIMPEACHimpregnateinundateidentifyimagineimplantinnovate