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OhHellYeah! is for WWE Attitude Era Heavyweight Championshipand that is the only code
Go to... I think, Options-Unlockables-Cheat Codes. Type in: OhHellYeah ( Case sensitive) To unlock the Attitude Era World Heavyweight Championship. That is the only code. To get All the current unlockables and get a discount on all upcoming unlockables, Buy the All Axxess Package in the WWE Shop.(Xbox Live Required)
Lasnerisback ohhellyeah
OhHellYeah! what are do the cheat code strfrandy
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OhHellYeah! is for WWE Attitude Era Heavyweight Championshipand that is the only code
Yes it's in cheat code
Enter Boots to asses to unlock the rock
At the main menu go to options and press checklist then go to cheat codes and enter OhHellYeah!
No, There are no cheat codes in fifa 12. You have to play it fair and thats how a game should be played otherwise there is no fun in playing a game with the help of cheat codes.
Go to... I think, Options-Unlockables-Cheat Codes. Type in: OhHellYeah ( Case sensitive) To unlock the Attitude Era World Heavyweight Championship. That is the only code. To get All the current unlockables and get a discount on all upcoming unlockables, Buy the All Axxess Package in the WWE Shop.(Xbox Live Required)
He is not on wwe12 and on wwe13 you need to buy the DLC pack.