Celevrities with first or last names ending with O: * Brian Boytano (US olympic fugure skater) * Robert De Niro * Tony Romo, Dallas Cowboy's QB * Dan Marino, Dolphin's QB, retired * Danny Divito * Beverly De Angelo Mrs. C. Griswald in the movie Christmas Vacation + sequels * Annette Funiccelo (from The original Mickey Mouse Club TV show) * Janine Garoffolo * Jay Leno * Rita Moreno * Renee Russo * Mo Willems * James Terrintino * Bo Derrick (actress, The movie "10") * Julio Igleses * Lee Travino * Yoko Ono * Ringo Starr * Lorenzo Llamas * Leonardo Di Caprio * Benicio Del Torro * Antonio Bandaras * Marco Polo * Sonny Bono * Chastity "Chaz" Bono * Greta Garbo * Groucho Marx * Roberto Clementi * Kato Kalin
Animal names that end with the letter o:armadillobuffalocuckoogeckokangaroo
david Donald
Some singular food names that end with S are molasses and watercress.
There are no US states which have names that end in the letter R.
Serena (Gomez) is one...
Animal names that end with the letter o:armadillobuffalocuckoogeckokangaroo
david Donald
Some objects that end with the letter O are:ammoavocadobamboobanjobistrobuffalocameocellocockatoocuckoodingodominoembryofoliofrescogauchogazebogumboherohippohoboigloojalapenokangarookazoolassolimomangomemonachoOreopalmettopatiopesopestophotopianopiccolopimentopintopistachioPlutoradiorhinosilotacotarotobaccotuxedovideovolcanoyo yozoo
There are no countries that begin and end with the letter n.
Cities that start with S and end with M:Salem, Oregon, USAStockholm, Sweden
Some singular food names that end with S are molasses and watercress.
There are currently no countries in Europe that end in the letter "i."
There are no US states which have names that end in the letter R.