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Some animals that begin with the letter V:
  • Vampire bat
  • Vampire squid
  • Vancouver Island Marmot
  • Vaquita (porpoise; sea mammal)
  • Veery (North American thrush/songbird)
  • Velociraptor
  • Velvet crab
  • Velvetfish
  • Velvet worm
  • Verdin (small bird with a yellow head)
  • Vervet (monkey)
  • Viceroy butterfly (similar to the monarch)
  • Vicuna (South American mammal)
  • viper
  • Viper fish
  • Viper squid
  • Vireo (bird that eats insects)
  • Virginia opossum
  • Vixen (female fox)
  • Vizcacha
  • Vlamingi Tang
  • Volation Lion
  • Vole (small rodent)
  • Volvox
  • Vulpes Velox (small orange, tan fox)
  • Vulpes Vulpes (red fox)
  • vulture (bird)

A vulture is an animal beginning with the letter v.
Vulture is a bird. Viceroy Butterfly is an insect.
Venosaur he is a great animal
Vulture, viceroy butterfly, vervet monkey, vicuna and vole are animals. They begin with the letter v.
Vole, viper, veal (young cow meat), venison (deer meat)
The viper, vampire bat, and vole are animals that match your description.
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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

Vampire bat

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Q: What are some animals that begin with the letter V?
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Vulture, vireo and viceroy butterfly are animals. They begin with the letter v.

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