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* Red wine * Rum * Reuniti * Riesling * Rob Roy * Rot-gut For the source and detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section (1001 Cocktails) indicated below. i thnk its rum My favorite is a shot called a Red Headed Slut:



peach schnapps Rum Runner, Rum Punch (anything else with rum in the name, though I can't think of any), Red Headed Slut.

Rum Rum There are several in this link: See also: Rum rum rattlesnake rob-roy I believe rum is one :) rum rioja ratafia red wine rye whiskey raki Rattlesnake Cocktail Rebel Russian Raspberry Tiki Twirl For many more, visit the site Rakki or Rekki a Greek drink made from distilled wine

Rum? Rum

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Q: What are some alcoholic beverages that begin with the letter R?
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