Some Running Fred cheat codes are:
There are no cheat codes.
the cheat codes are 0000 6060
There are several cheat codes for the game, Venom. Some of the cheat codes are SEXY - unlock costume #2, WALL - unlock wallpaper #2, and FAST, for fast run.
Some Running Fred cheat codes are:Boxmental dudeancient picturegrimmy
There are no cheat codes for RuneScape.
You can go to cheat and get cheat codes.
Cheat codes: getalife cheat codes: getalife
There are no "cheat codes"
There are no cheat codes
There are no cheat codes, but there are some secrets.
I added some web links with cheat codes.
i found some cheat codes in youtube
There are no cheat codes for Majora's Mask.
go to the map and click cheat codes- when you click the cheat codes you can add some more cheat codes