Some nouns beginning with the letter Q are:QuartQuarterQuiltQuintQuillQueenQuiverQuestionQuotientQuandaryQuailQuinine
Some four letter words beginning with Y are:yardyarnyawnyearyellyelpyokeyolkyouryurt
Some five letter words beginning with F are:favorfirstfaithfilthfloorflameflukeframefrailforgefurorflood
Some six letter words beginning with e are:eatingerodesearwigearwaxelopedeitherextortexertsemesisemulgeeponymeagletearfulequate
Some six letter words beginning with T are:tackletampertangletellertempertemplethirsttimbertissuetoilettonguetoppletorquetorridtrickytripletumulttundraturkeyturtle
Some colors beginning with the letter X are:XanaduXanthian (Greek for yellow)XanthicXaveriorXanth
There is no word in greek methology
Here are some of the Greek gods and goddesses (feel free to add to this list):ZeusPoseidonHadesHeraAthenaHestiaArtemisAresHermesKronosDemeterPersephoneAphrodite
There aren't any powers the Greek gods could not have called upon in myth.
Some primordial gods in upper case Greek. ΧΑΟΣ, ΟΥΡΑΝΟΣ, ΝΥΞ, ΗΜΕΡΑ , ΕΡΩΣ, ΕΡΕΒΟΣ, ΝΕΜΕΣΙΣ, ΕΡΙΣ, ΥΠΝΟΣ, ΑΠΑΤΗ
Yes they are because the Greeks are still there. Well some people who have Greek in them still believe in them and I know for a fact that the Greek Gods are real.
Angel means "messenger", and some gods and goddesses of Greek myth were depicted with wings.
Well some were I mean it was a choice to bad for the Greek Gods . . . some aren't evil and some were good it's a 50 - 50 thing for each God
θεοί ελληνικά --how to write 'Greek gods' in Greek.Some Greek gods are:AthenaAphrodite......this is a Goddess smart one..LOVE GODDESS!! DUH!DemeterZeusPoseidonHadesHermesKronosIrisPersephonePhineasPerseusAresPersephonePerseusDemeterApolloArtimes
There are none
Some of the planets were named after greek or roman gods.