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Some things that are in nature that start with the letter t are: tree, thorn, treetop, tree trunk
Some herbs that start with T are:tarragonthymeturmeric
Some birds that start with the letter "t" are toucan, titmouse, tern, and turkey.
Some five letter words starting with T are:tabletaffytapirtardytarottasteteachteethtenthtersetheirtherethreethumbtigertithetitletokentoothtopaztorchtouchtoughtowertracktraintramptreattrouttrucktrunktrusttruthtummytumortweettwine
Thiamin is a vitamin that contains B1. It begins with the letter t.
Some things that are in nature that start with the letter t are: tree, thorn, treetop, tree trunk
Some herbs that start with T are:tarragonthymeturmeric
Some things Santa brings that begin with T:ToysTopsTinkertoysTurtlesTablesTrainsTribblesTanksTelescopesTeletubbiesTrinketsTokensTelevisionsTelevision shows (seasons)TricyclesTrumpetsTrombonesTubasTimpaniTiddlywinksTurnipsTeddy BearsTickets
toe, telopia
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Tundra Thunderbird