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Q: What are same animals that begin with l?
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What farm animals begin with the letters l?

- lambs

What are some rain-forest animals that begin with the letter L?

· lizards

A sea animal start with a letter o and with a l?

Ocean perch and Oregon chub are sea animals that begin with the letter o. Lemon Shark and Lake Trout are sea animals that begin with the letter l.

What are some animals that start with the letter L and M?

Lamb, lark, lion, lobster, locust and lynx are animals that begin with the letter L. Mule, mosquito, monkey, mink, manatee, mare, moose and moth are animals.

Is there any animal starting with letter 'l'?

Ladybug, lamb, lark, leopard, lion, llama, lobster, loon, lovebird and lynx are animals. They begin with the letter l.

What animals begin with the letter uq?

There are no animals that begin with the letters uq.

What shellfish begins with L?

Lobster and Loco are two shellfish that begin with an L. Lobster is a crustacean and loco are a mollusk.

What are the fruits that begin with the letter L?

Lemon, lime and loganberry are fruits. They begin with the letter L.

What are some animals that live in Africa and start with the letter H?

Leopard, lion, Lechwe antelope and large eared free tailed bat are animals in Africa. They begin with the letter L.

What are some places that begin with the letter L in Asia?

Laos and Lebanon are countries in Asia. They begin with the letter L.

Words that begin with L and end with L?


Why did they try out the first heart transplants on animals first?

I DONT KNOW bacause I asked the SAME question!! :L