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Some of the rarer Pokemon include the three starters (Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile) as you may only get one at the start of the game. Trade with your friends or on Wi-Fi to get the other two.

Some other rare Pokemon and Legendaries:

Pineco---Use the Headbutt attack on trees

Wobbuffet---Found in Dark Cave or the Safari Zone

Tyrogue---Explore the depths of Mt. Mortar to find the Karate King. Defeat him to get Tyrogue

Magby, Smoochum and Elekid---Breed Magmar, Jynx and Electabuzz with a Ditto, respectively

Natu---Surf in Union Cave until you find another exit. You will Find yourself outside the Ruins of Alph. Walk in the grass outside to find a Natu

Eevee---Get it from Bill in Kanto

Porygon---Trade in a large amount of tokens for this cyber Pokemon


Articuno---Seafoam Islands

Zapdos---Power Plant

Moltres---Mt. Silver

Raikou and Entei---Roam Johto after your Ecruteak encounter

Suicune---Route 25

Ho-oh---Bell Tower

Lugia---Whirl Islands (After you get the Silver Wing)

Mewtwo---Cerulean Cave

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Q: What are rare Pokemon in HeartGold?
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to get 999 rare caindies is to us the ar.

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you cant catch it it is rare

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No.......just kidding! Of course it is, unless you hack to get rare candies

Where is a Rhyhorn in Pokemon HeartGold?

It is rare on Victory Road and in the Safari Zone.

How do you make your Pokemon on Pokemon heartgold level 99?

Battle a lot, or use Rare Candies.

What does buying the pokewalker with HeartGold do?

The PokeWalker allows you to walk with a select Pokemon from your copy of HeartGold and if you walk enough, you can capture extremely rare Pokemon (though not legendary).

How do you get a rare pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold version?

You buy a gun, then you rob team rocket and steal theirs.