Migrants is a general term. If you are in the country into which they come, then they are known as immigrants. If you are in the country that they are leaving they are known as emigrants.
you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GBGB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GBGB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GBGB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game you have to migrate from a GB game
migrate. totally migrate.
1. you cant catch mewtwo on ruby emerald or saphire<spelling mistake> you can migrate the mewtwo you catch on leafgreen or firered to migrate to platinum
you migrate lotad from Pokemon emerald and ruby, and migrate it in pal park.
sory but you can only migrate on ds lite/ds credit to ububub
A land bridge called Beringia
They migrate or immigrate. Migrate is if you leave one country, immigrate is if you go to another.
When people migrate the population that they left becomes smaller. When these people migrate to where they are going to that population becomes larger.
Migration is when people migrate, or move from place to place. When they move into a certain area, it may also be called immigration.
Birds that migrate are called migratory birds. Birds that do no migrate are called sedentary birds. Over 4000 species of birds migrate, mostly those native to colder regions.
Lack of food (for one) will make people migrate. Also, weather or temperature will make people migrate.
its hard for people to migrate because of money
they do both, people also migrate to France.
migration (like when birds migrate)
People may migrate from one region to another for economic opportunity. Other people migrate because they have family in different areas.
They didn't migrate. They had an empire of 15,000 people.