Giggle, Snigger, Snort, grin, hoot
Snicker, guffaw, chortle, chuckle
Laugh Lynch Louse Lamer Laker
You can cheer Walda up with words that will make her laugh. These words are often nonsense arrangements based on the Trainer ID.
1.Funny 2.jokes 3.dramas, skits 4.laugh
smile laugh giggle
Other words for quite:veryextremelyimmensely
grin smirk laugh beam
chuckle, chortle, giggle
The predicate in the sentence "The other workers laugh" is "laugh." It describes the action being performed by the subject (other workers).
other peoples laugh
Some words with "au" and a short "a" sound are: laugh, sausage, laundry, fraud.
A laugh can be contagious.
The A is a short A (ah as in apple), as in the rhyming words bad, mad, cad, lad, and sad. Other words with a short A are fat, stack, laugh, and slap.
Laugh is a regular verb so the past and past participle are laughed
the other word for laughed is mocked, chuckled, snorted and hooted.
'A laugh' and 'laughter' in Irish (Gaelic) is gáire; 'to laugh' is déan gáire. In (Scottish) Gaelic the words are spelled the same with grave accents.
Yes, you can laugh without teeth. The only difference toothlessness makes is a whistle on certain words.