Face, facemask, factory, fajita, falcon, fan, farmhouse, faucet, feather, feet, fence, fender, fiddle, fig, fish, flag, flea, foot, footprint, football, fork, fox, frog, fruit, furnace and furniture are objects. They begin with the letter f.
Fantastic or Fashionable can be a compliment starting with letter F.
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest word starting with F; it means the act of estimating something as worthless.
aster flowers
Fan, faucet, fireplace, flashlight, flip-flops, fly swatter, fork, freezer, frying pan, fur coat, furnace and furniture are household objects. They begin with the letter f.
Fantastic or Fashionable can be a compliment starting with letter F.
Objects starting with A are:abaloneacornagateairplanealoealtimeteraluminumamberamplifierampuleamuletanchoranchovyangel cakeangleanvilappleapricotapronarkarmchairarrowartichokeashasparagusaspidistraasterasteroidaugerautomobile
Objects acccelerate when a force is applied, a=F/m.
The opposite for the word plain starting with letter f is FANCY.
Finish is another word for completion starting with the letter F.
The starting temperature was 11°F. Starting at 11°F, a drop of 13°F in 7 hours would result in a final temperature of -2°F.
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest word starting with F; it means the act of estimating something as worthless.
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