I think you might mean an anagram, where letters from a word are mixed up to form a new one
you scramble up the letters and try to rearrange them.
There are 112 known elements, of which 92 are naturally occurring. If this is what you are asking.
It's called an Anagram.
Here are a few words i came up with using the letters of "Team", There may be more, but this is just a few words. Hope this helps you. :) Mate, Tea, Am, Tame,
Jumbled words are words, but the letters are mixed up.
The letters errtuesa spell the words 'treasure' and 'austerer'.
you scramble up the letters and try to rearrange them.
There are 112 known elements, of which 92 are naturally occurring. If this is what you are asking.
It's called an Anagram.
Words that can be made from the letters of 'slurp' are plus, purl, spur, slur, up.