You can write letters to your friends. Just put a message on the mail. Give the mail to one of your pokemon, and trade with a friend.
Sapphire is better, but yes, emerald is good.
Raltz! :D
Torchick is a good Pokemon if you train it right anything should work
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
Sapphire is better, but yes, emerald is good.
yes he is probably the best pokemon in pokemon emerald
Raltz! :D
Unduplicatable ItemsThe only Items you can't duplicate in Emerald are Mails, because you can't store a Pokemon holding Mail into a PC. You can't clone any Key Items either.
Torchick is a good Pokemon if you train it right anything should work
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.
Fighting type, ground type
at rut 118
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.