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They are just people in the resort. To "talk" to them, just press up, down, left, or right next to them and it should work.

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Q: What are locals in Go Vacation Wii?
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Related questions

What does speak to locals mean on Go Vacation Wii?

Try to interact with the characters using the < ^ v > arrows as gestures on the wii remote. They may or may not respond, and then you've "talked" to them.

How do you save games in 'Go Vacation' for Wii?

it apparently saves automatically

How do you do tricks on Go Vacation Wii?

On the Wii remote press the up, down, sideways and on the Nunchuck press Z or C.

What are the animals you can get with a gold key on go vacation wii?

you can get cats fish and birds

Where is the vacation house on Wii sports resort for Wii?

private island

Do you need motion plus to play go vacation wii?

No, you don't need a Motion Plus to play this game.

What are some spots to jump off cliff on go vacation wii for a gold key?

you go to marine and go on ATV gain speed and go from Cliff to Cliff

How do you get to your vacation house on Wii?

get all of the ipoints in island flyover

where can I go for a vacation in Poland?

If you are going to fly there, the best people to ask are the locals. Ask a friend, or somebody who works at the hotel you are staying at. They should know all the hot spots and bargains in the area.

Where is the vacation home located on Wii sports resort?

you don't have one

What is the last reward on island flyover?

It is a vacation home on the stranded Island.If you need all the i symbols on the map then just go to and to the wii section.Hope I helped .

What is the point of the vacation home in Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover?

Hillside Cabins.