MDMA, LSD, and usually some form of amphetamine. usually meth. but sometimes people put Heroin in it so you have to be careful. try to find dealers through people you know & trust so they can legit tell u what's in it. its usually up to the supplier though. E can be mixed with anything.
100% chance of getting purple in $100 dollar pack, you could even get more!
Thizz Candy
There is no purple apricorn in Heart Gold. There is blue and red, but not purple.
the moon is purple because of its dust
purp, purple, purpskies eetc..
From my experiences with rolling I only use ecstasy that looks good to me and if a brown one was offered to me i don't think i would take it to me it seems unpure and probaly cut with diesel fuel also i only know of two kinds of stars purple and blue so if brown stars are even real i highly reccomond gettin a lady G or some kind of star that's clean.
Honestly, I don't think the colors matter. Ecstasy is ecstasy. If it's that big of a deal, just choose the one you think is prettiest :)
you will die.
Pawn Stars - 2009 Purple Haze was released on: USA: 27 February 2014
An orange star is typically cooler than a purple star. Star color is related to temperature, with blue stars being the hottest, followed by white, yellow, orange, and red stars. Purple stars are not common in astronomical classifications, but if we consider purple as a blend of blue and red, then they would likely be hotter than orange stars.
theres a pill called purple aliens and i popped 2.
Black, grey, red, blue, and purple. so far
Justin Bieber!
Stars may at times appear purple, but that would be an optical illusion caused by atmospheric aberrations, or something of that nature. Occasionaly stars, as seen form earth, look green, too, but that is also an example of an illusion or a trick of human vision.
It's purple. It is one of the colors for the jedi's (blue,green,purple.)