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i think that the game that my sister has is cool it is 'sing it'

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Q: What are good karoke games for Wii?
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Is there karoke for Wii?

yeh it would be te American idol line for the wii

What karoke games are most fun for wii?

Well. depends on what time of music you are interested in. If you like disney, High school musical sing it. Also there's a new one that is gonna come out, DISNEY SING IT. These games are pretty fun.

Are Wii games good?

They are awesome

Is a Wii a good by?

Yes it is, if you are looking for fun games and playing games with friends there's also mature games for wii

What is a good game you should get on the Wii?

wii party it just came out it awsome uhh Mario smash brawl wii resort Mario bros wii sonic Olympic games there very good games :D

What are good wii games?

detective Conan

Advantages of Wii and Xbox 360?

good games

Why is the Wii so good?

because it has lots of games

Is the wii good for war games?

Not at all. But Xbow 360 is pretty good.

I have a Wii and i want my first m game for it what should the game be?

i have a wii and bought wii sports and wii play. if you havent had a wii those are good games to learn fundamentals on

Need for speed for Wii?

yes there good games too

If you have a GameCube is it good to buy a Wii?

yes, you can play GC games on the Wii, and use the control, and then even get better games and the best selling console.