Diapsid skulls have one large hole in the front and two smaller holes in the back for different brain functions. Birds and reptiles have diapsid skulls.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 100 words with the pattern -IA----. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: bialies biasing biassed biasses biaxial diabase diables diabolo diacids diadems diadrom diagram diagrid dialect dialers dialing dialist dialled diallel dialler dialogs dialyse dialyze diamide diamine diamins diamond diandry dianoia diapase diapers diapirs diapsid diarchy diarial diarian diaries diarise diarist diarize diastem diaster diatoms diatron diaxons diazine diazins diazoes diazole fiacres fiancee fiances fiaschi fiascos fiating fiaunts giantly giantry giaours giardia kiaughs liaised liaises liaison lianoid liatris miaoued miaowed miasmal miasmas miasmic miauled niacins piaffed piaffer piaffes pianino pianism pianist piarist piasaba piasava piaster piastre piazzas rialtos riantly sialids sialoid sialons siamang siamese siameze tiaraed viaduct vialful vialing vialled viatica viators
divideddreadeddresseddraineddevoteddiscorddiscarddefaceddefineddefrauddabbled, daddled, daggled, dagwood, daisied, dallied, damaged, dandled, dangled, dappled, darkled, dartled, dastard, daunted, davened, dawdled, dazzled, deaired, deashed, debased, debated, debeard, debited, deboned, debuted, decapod, decayed, decided, decoded, decoyed, decreed, decried, deduced, defaced, defamed, defiled, defined, defraud, defused, defuzed, degreed, deified, deigned, delated, delayed, deleted, delimed, deltoid, deluded, deluged, demigod, demised, demoded, demoted, denimed, denoted, dentoid, denuded, deodand, deponed, deposed, deputed, derided, derived, dermoid, descend, desexed, desired, desmoid, despond, detoxed, develed, deviled, devised, devoted, dewaxed, dialled, diamond, diapsid, dibbled, diddled, diehard, dighted, dilated, diluted, dimpled, dindled, diploid, dirtied, disband, discard, discoed, discoid, discord, dispend, distend, disused, ditched, dittoed, divided, divined, divvied, dizened, dizzied, dogsled, dogwood, dollied, donated, donnerd, doodled, doubled, doubted, douched, dovened, doweled, dowered, dozened, drabbed, drafted, dragged, drained, drammed, dratted, drawled, dreaded, dreamed, dredged, dressed, dribbed, drifted, drilled, dripped, drolled, dromond, drooled, drooped, dropped, drouked, drowned, drowsed, drubbed, drudged, drugged, drummed, dryland, duelled, duetted, dullard, dummied, dwarfed, dwelled, dyeweed, dyewood153 words
3-letter wordsadd, ado, ads, aid, ain, ais, ait, and, ane, ani, ant, ape, apt, asp, ate, dad, dap, dei, den, des, did, die, din, dip, dit, doe, don, dos, dot, eat, end, ens, eon, eta, ids, ins, ion, its, nae, nap, net, nip, nit, nod, nos, not, oat, odd, ode, ods, oes, one, ons, ope, ops, opt, ose, pad, pan, pap, pas, pat, pea, ped, pen, pep, pes, pet, pia, pie, pin, pip, pis, pit, pod, poi, pop, pot, psi, sad, sae, sap, sat, sea, sei, sen, set, sin, sip, sit, sod, son, sop, sot, spa, tad, tae, tan, tao, tap, tas, tea, ted, ten, tie, tin, tip, tis, tod, toe, ton, top4-letter wordsadds, adit, ados, aeon, aide, aids, ains, aits, ands, anes, anis, ante, anti, ants, aped, apes, apod, apse, ates, atop, dado, dads, dais, daps, date, dato, dead, dean, dens, dent, dido, died, dies, diet, dine, dins, dint, dips, dipt, dita, dite, dits, doat, does, doit, dona, done, dons, dopa, dope, dose, dost, dote, dots, east, eats, eddo, edit, ends, eons, epos, etas, etna, idea, ides, inia, inti, into, ions, iota, naoi, naos, nape, naps, neap, neat, nest, nets, nide, nidi, nipa, nips, nisi, nits, node, nodi, nods, noes, nope, nose, nota, note, oast, oats, odds, odea, odes, ones, oped, open, opes, opts, padi, pads, paid, pain, pane, pans, pant, paps, pase, past, pate, pats, pean, peas, peat, peds, pein, pend, pens, pent, peon, pepo, peps, peso, pest, pets, pian, pias, pied, pies, pina, pine, pins, pint, pion, pipe, pips, pita, pits, pods, poet, pois, pond, pone, pons, pope, pops, pose, post, pots, sade, sadi, said, sain, sand, sane, sate, sati, seat, send, sent, sept, seta, side, sine, sipe, site, snap, sned, snip, snit, snot, soap, soda, sone, spae, span, spat, sped, spin, spit, spot, step, stoa, stop, tads, tain, tans, taos, tape, taps, teas, teds, tend, tens, tepa, tide, tied, ties, tine, tins, tipi, tips, toad, tods, toea, toed, toes, tone, tons, tope, topi, tops5-letter wordsadept, adios, adits, adopt, aeons, aided, aides, anise, anode, anted, antes, antis, apods, aside, aspen, atone, dados, danio, dated, dates, datos, deads, deans, deist, dents, depot, didie, didos, didst, diets, dined, dines, dints, diode, dipso, ditas, dites, doats, doest, doits, donas, dopas, doped, dopes, dosed, doted, dotes, edits, eidos, entia, eosin, estop, etnas, ideas, idiot, inapt, indie, inept, inset, intis, iodid, iodin, iotas, napes, nappe, nates, neaps, neats, neist, netop, nided, nides, nipas, nisei, nitid, nodes, noise, nosed, noted, notes, oaten, odist, oidia, onset, opens, opine, opsin, opted, ostia, padis, paeon, pains, paint, paise, paned, panes, panto, pants, paseo, paste, pated, paten, pates, patin, patio, peans, peats, peins, pends, penis, peons, pepos, pesto, piano, pians, pieta, pinas, pined, pines, pinot, pinta, pinto, pints, pions, piped, pipes, pipet, pipit, piste, pitas, piton, podia, poets, poind, point, poise, ponds, pones, popes, posed, posit, psoae, psoai, saint, saned, sapid, sated, satin, sedan, senti, sepia, septa, seton, sided, siped, sited, sneap, snide, snipe, sonde, spade, spado, spaed, spait, spate, spean, spend, spent, spied, spine, spite, spode, stade, staid, stain, stand, stane, stead, stein, steno, stied, stipe, stoae, stoai, stone, stope, tains, taped, tapes, tapis, teiid, teind, tends, tenia, tepas, tepid, tided, tides, tinea, tined, tines, tipis, toads, tondi, toned, tones, toped, topes, topis, tsade, tsadi6-letter wordsadepts, adonis, adopts, anodes, append, appose, atoned, atones, dadoes, danios, dapped, dedans, depots, desand, despot, detain, didies, didoes, dinted, diodes, dipped, doated, doited, donate, donsie, dopant, idiots, indies, indite, inside, instep, iodate, iodide, iodids, iodine, iodins, ionise, isatin, napped, nappes, nappie, netops, nipped, noised, oddest, onside, opiate, opined, opines, paeons, pained, paints, pandit, panted, pantie, pantos, pasted, pastie, patens, patine, patins, patios, patois, pedant, pentad, pepsin, peptid, petnap, petsai, pianos, pietas, pineta, pinite, pinots, pintas, pintos, pipets, pipits, piston, pitied, pities, pitons, podite, poinds, pointe, points, poised, ponded, ponied, ponies, pontes, popsie, posted, postin, potpie, potsie, ptisan, sadden, sained, sanded, sapote, sapped, seniti, sipped, sippet, sniped, soaped, sodden, sopite, sopped, spaded, spined, spinet, spinto, spited, staned, stiped, stoned, stoped, tapped, teiids, teinds, tenias, teopan, tidied, tidies, tiepin, tineas, tineid, tipped, tisane, todies, topped7-letter wordsadenoid, adipose, adopted, appends, appoint, apposed, atonies, atopies, daisied, dandies, dapsone, dentoid, depaint, deposit, despond, destain, detains, diapsid, disdain, dispend, distain, distend, donated, donates, dopants, dopiest, edition, epinaoi, epinaos, indited, indites, inedita, inosite, instead, iodated, iodates, iodides, iodines, ionised, isatine, nappies, noddies, notepad, opiated, opiates, oppidan, paddies, painted, pandied, pandies, pandits, panties, patined, patines, pedants, pentads, peptids, petnaps, pianist, pinesap, piniest, pinites, pintado, pintoes, pipiest, podesta, podites, poinded, pointed, pointes, posited, potpies, sainted, sandpit, sapient, senopia, sinopia, sinopie, snapped, snipped, snippet, sopited, spinate, stained, stipend, stopped, teopans, tiepins, tineids, toadied, toadies, toddies, topside, topspin8-letter wordsaddition, adenitis, adenoids, antipode, antipope, appoints, apposite, astonied, dainties, dandiest, depaints, diopside, dioptase, dipodies, dippiest, editions, ideation, iodinate, nappiest, nippiest, notepads, oddities, oppidans, peponida, pintados, postpaid, saponite, satinpod, sedation, sedition9-letter wordsadditions, antipodes, antipopes, appointed, distained, ideations, iodinated, iodinates, peponidas, pintadoes, standpipe10-letter wordsdisappoint, inapposite12-letter wordsdisappointed
No they have a diapsid skull
It has two holes in its skull behind the eyes.
Tuataras are the group of reptiles that are not part of the diapsid lineage. They belong to a group known as the Rhynchocephalia, which are characterized by having a single opening in their skulls rather than the two openings found in diapsids.
Both snakes and dinosaurs are diapsid reptiles. Dinosaurs, however, are archosaurs. Snakes are squamates.
It's an animal. If you want to be the most specific, it's a Diapsid land vertebrate, and it may or may not be a member of Dinosauria.
Both anoles and dinosaurs belong to the diapsid group of reptiles. However, dinosaurs belonged to the order Dinosauria, and anoles are lizards, which are part of the Squamata order. Therefor, dinosaurs are distant relatives of anoles.
they both lay eggs, they both have claws, they both have scales, and they both have ridges in their mouth
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ----SID. That is, seven letter words with 5th letter S and 6th letter I and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: diapsid
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 8 words with the pattern -IA--I-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter A and 6th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: diagrid dianoia diapsid giardia lianoid liatris miasmic sialoid
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -I-P-I-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter I and 4th letter P and 6th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: biopsic bioptic diapsid limpkin silphia simpais simpkin
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern DIA-S--. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter A and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: diapsid
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -IAP--D. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter A and 4th letter P and 7th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: diapsid