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Q: What are civil war words beginning with z?
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What is a word beginning with z from the civil war era?

During the Civil War, Samuel Zook was a Union general. Felix Zollicoffer was a Confederate general during the war.

Civil Rights words that begin with Z?

· Zook, Samuel (Union General in the Civil War)

Civil war a-z?

it is a book when u write about the civil war using a-z

What are Civil War words from N-Z?

· Nashville (Tennessee), battle of · Zouave regiment

Words that start with a z and have to to with the American Civil War?

· Zook, Samuel (Union General)

Words a-z on electricity?

electrical words beginning with Q,Y and Z

What civil war words begin with Z?

Samuel Zook was a Union general and Felix Zollicoffer was a Confederate general during the war. They begin with the letter Z.

What is a three syllable word beginning with z?

Three syllable words beginning with 'Z' are:ZealouslyZaniest

Z words on the civil war?

Zouave (regiment) - a Union regiment Zouave - the uniform worn by a Union soldier

French word beginning with z?

Zoo, zèbre and zigzag are French words beginning by Z.

What is z in ABC book civil war?

Z is for the zeal in the rebels eyes

What are words for the letter Z in the Civil War?

· Zollicoffer, Felix (Confederate General) · Zook, Samuel (Union General) · Zouave regiment