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In single player, you must type -test. Then, there will be a list of commands or cheats will popped up in your screen. Then, type which command or cheat you like. For example, -lvlup 25. Remember this works only in single player.

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Q: What are cheats for dota?
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Cheats for dota?

There are none.

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whosyourdaddygolds ______

What is the cheat for DOTA?

There are no cheat for DotA unless you're playing against the AI in single player mode. Because DotA is a user-created map for Warcraft III, the cheats that apply to Warcraft will work in your game. Greedisgood xxx for money, whosyourdaddy for invulnerability and instant-killing and thereisnospoon for unlimited mana will work.

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Is greedysgood a dota cheat?

The cheats in warcraft 3 is only available in single player and these are 3 cheats you would mainly want in the normal warcraft 3 map but god mode can be used in dota single player as well.1.greedisgood xxx=money2.warpten=faster building rate3.whosyourdaddy=god mode

How do you change old dota items to new dota items?

the change of new dota item is download dota 2 and then copy paste the map of dota 2 to dota warcraft III and see is change try it :))

Where can one access a free DOTA map?

There are a number of places where someone can access a free DotA map. Some website examples include Get DotA, DotA-Utilities, Softpedia and DotA Source.

Cheats in LAN game in dota all-stars?

you can use this cheat.. first enable it.. after or before you enter your game mode type "-test" thats's enabled.. there are some text that will appear says cheats you can use.. try it.. thank you mosh.mosh.nicol

What are the good and bad effects of regionalization?

The Answer is Regonalization is the dota weak dota na lng weak region 1 weak dota weakweakweakweakBOSS BALITA DOTA WEAK!

What language is the song Dota sung in?

The song "Dota" by Basshunter is sung in English.