Baby Blue, Baby Blue Eyes, Baby Pink, Ball Blue, Banana Yellow, Battleship Gray, Bazaar, Beau Blue, Beige, Bistre, Bittersweet, Black, Blanched Almond, Blue De France, Blizzard Blue, Blond, Blue, Blue Bell, Blue Gray, Blue Green, Blue Violet, Bole, Bondi Blue, Boston University Red, Brandeis Blue, Brass, Brick Red, Bright Cerulean, Bright Green, Bright Lavender, Bright Maroon, Bright Pink, Bright Turquoise, Bright Ube, Brilliant Lavender, Brilliant Rose, Brink Pink, British Racing Green, Bronze, Brown, Bubble Gum, Bubbles, Buff, Bulgarian Rose, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Byzantine, And Byzantium.
bear, boner, bob and boisterous
Ivory and indigo are colors. They begin with the letter i.
Salmon, Sepia, Shamrock and Sunglow are Crayola Crayon colors. Silver and slate gray are colors.
Red? -.-
bear, boner, bob and boisterous
Ivory and indigo are colors. They begin with the letter i.
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter B are:baboonbabybaconbagballballoonballroombarbargainbarnbarrelbasketballbathtubbeachbeaconbeaglebeanbedbeefbeetbellbeltbenchbirdbirthdayboatbonnetbookbootbouquetbowlbrainbranchbridebroachbookbrookbucketbuffalobuffoonbulletbunchbundleburdenbulgeburglarburnbutlerbutterbutton
there is a bratz doll starting with B. she is called Breeana
Lime Green
Salmon, Sepia, Shamrock and Sunglow are Crayola Crayon colors. Silver and slate gray are colors.
blue black brown bronze beige buttercup berry burnt umber baby pink balsam green blaze orange
Brass is a color. It contains the letters B and S.
Red? -.-
A place starting with b could be brean, burlin, Brazil etc. (hope i helped!)