Animals that aren't pokemon yet 1.manatee 2.lemur 3.dolphin 4.koala (debatable with spinda) 5.narwhal (debatable with dewgong) 6.opossum 7.humming bird 8.panda 9.lion fish 10.leech 11.meerkat 12.cheetah (liepard is a leopard) 13.moose 14.donkey 15.goat 16.flamingo 17.peacock 18.Komodo dragon 19.vine snake 20.boa/python 21.torpedo ray 22.clownfish 23.flounder 24.spider squid 25.vampire squid 26.firefly squid 27.barnacle 28.ordinary fly 29.cockroach 30.dung beetle 31.mantis 32.sea spider 33.tarantula (ariados isn't big, scary, and FURRY) 34.silver fish 35.glow worm I am human,so if you have a questionable Pokemon like these animals, please contact me
They arent for sale, you can only find some.
no, he is a different game yet he does look like a pokemon!
because your action replay is torn up or has a glitch.
No, when the SNES came out, Pokemon wasn't invented yet.
You can't catch torchic in pokemon glazed yet.
Well, there are no animals from OUR world. However, some Pokemon are based on animals.
there arent dark Pokemon in any Pokemon game.
there arent any dumb pokemon.
there arent any
All the Sinnoh pokemon and Unova arent available.
Yes you can get other Pokemon that arent in pearl.
you are probably too young or your feet arent ready for them yet.
they arent because they are wild animals
Depends on the level of your Pokemon. BUT good places to train are the Elite 4 (Just use type difference to your advantage and WALLAH), and Mt. Silver. If your Pokemon arent up to that level yet, try Ice Path or Victory Road.
their arent any it all depends on their level, stats and atacks
the arent any in this game
There arent any.