All of the weapons are Rubber band balls,stink bombs,fire crackers,itching powder,news papers,sling shot and sling shot with scope.
NOTE: This question is asking about the video game "Bully" and has no relation to cyber-bullying.
You have two types of sling shots, stink bombs, fire crackers, bags of marbles, Baseball bats, garbage cans, books, itching powder, and sometimes you can get this volcano thing that makes people circle around it, then it blows up. Other things you can have that are not weapons are a skateboard, flowers, chocolates,and spray paint.
when you collect all the rubberbands in bully i get the famous RUBBERBAND BALL
I think this answer can be a bully or an intimidator.
Zipper made sure that all faction weapons where equal.
You can not be a bully by being kind to people and thinking about others and for people who get bullyd dont be afraid to tell the bully to stop but dont say it ina mean way or else your the bully you could also ask them hoe they feel.
To unlock all the Call of Duty Black Ops weapons you must do numerous things. First, you have to rank up in order to purchase the weapons. Next, you must purchase the weapon with your COD points you gained in-game. There are some classified weapons that are available in the menus. To unlock that specific weapon for purchase, you must purchase all the weapons in that category in order to purchase that weapon. Example: There are 4 snipers and one is classified. Purchase all 3 snipers and the last one will be un-classified.
In the Video game Bully, the fastest way to get all the weapons is to go on the second controller and hold L1 and press up 4 times. Also if you want unlimated ammo-on second controller hol L1 and press up down up down
no, weapons are not for wimps if you or your friend is in a fight and there is someone stronger fighting against you you cant defend yourself. WEAPONS ARE FOR DEFENCE. SO NEVER LISTEN TO A BULLY.
Can't we all just get along? He might think twice the next time.
No all the people on WIkianswers bully you, only the mean people on Wikianswers bully you. People like the supervisors on bully you.
hobo fight bully?
when you collect all the rubberbands in bully i get the famous RUBBERBAND BALL
not all cheerleaders bully people but some do. just cause someones a cheerleader doesn't mean they are going to bully you. some do and some don't were all different people.
what? First of all I have no clue what that is, and second of all no.
age doesn't mean nothing, i have known people to bully people 8 years older than them proper terrorise them, and it would all depend on how much of a lunatic the bully was to bully there parents.
The bully will just have to bully
Yes prince of peace is a non bully school and is great for all children.