what are all the secret codes for little rocketman they are bad cheats=< lol jk=>=p =D =}=]=[ ={=\='l
No but around levels 20-50 you will start to get rare items. All secret codes do is unlock gold and characters.
All the codes for those products are randomly generated.
Dirty Little Secret by the All-American Rejects is a playable song on Band Hero and Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades. It is also downloadable for $1 on all Rock Band games.
Get Silph scope from team rocket in secret hideout at the casino. Then go to the ghost tower, go to the end and defeat marowak and all the team rocket. Then the man will take you to his house, talk to him and he will give you the poke flute.
There are about twelve magic codes for "My Secret World" for the Nintendo DS. Magic codes are codes that you type in that give you special scraps. Rabbids are the special scraps that you can get. You will only retrive 3 or 4 rabbids but you need the codes to get the rest. Rabbids are the scraps that are crazy looking rabbits. It is virtually impossible for someone to find out all twlve codes because there are many diifferent numbers you can try and the amount of numbers you put can vary too. I am doing a great deal of research to find out the codes and I will edit this answer as soon as i get good results.- jasteria
The list of secret codes is in the related links.
you scroll all the way to the bottom and click on secret codes
Every single code is different but all the codes have zeros in it. : D
All codes are for members and non-members.
the blingo code is djdude456
i dont know about all of them but for the rocket blaster its "funjuly"
There are no new codes. All the ones you probably have entered by now.
Up down alt-f4
lady goo goo, techi
the one code is jmsdf
SSTIP it goes quick and my share code is 382Raven421